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2017 年终感言:耶穌是人,不是神

献给基督徒的一篇感言,期望这一篇能更加强你信真神的心! 2017 年终感言: 耶穌是人,不是神 以比较完整的段落,和不超越文字应有的意义范围,查考约翰福音书。在没有断章取义和没有添加文字以外的意思研究出来的结论,完全与教会不同。这一个差异,成为我今年最大的一个感...

Friday, December 18, 2015


 English translation posted at the end of page.






概要的说,21-4,路加 告诉我们『受圣灵是说方言的前提』。这些人“第一,有圣灵在里头,充满那人在前,第二,赐给口才恩赐,有能力说出人听不懂的方言”在后。

信 受 圣 灵 系得天国基业之凭据,并以 说 灵 言 为受圣灵之明证。

大部份信徒只单纯的意会到,【并 以 说 灵 言 为 受 圣 灵 之 明 证】这句话,只是直接告诉那些“不信神的人”,【说方言的恩赐】是一个最简单和明显的【明证】,证明神是真的,同时证明神的灵住在我们里头



这两句话总合起来,就是教会对真第五信条最终的理解:【“说 方 言” 是 受 圣 灵 的 唯 一 明 证,更是一个先决条件;有了先决条件就有,没有先决条件就没有】,综合起来就是【说 方 言 是 受 圣 灵 的 前 提】;是前世界联总主席对参与会议的 长 执 们 所宣称的,却不会向其他信徒明说的一个定论。

概要的说,教会最终理解是【说 方 言 是 受 圣 灵 的 前 提】,第一,得到口才的恩赐,有能力说出人听不懂的方言在前,第二,有圣灵在里头,充满那人在后。没有第一,就没有第二。

教 会 的 理 解,与Acts21-4节的信息 完 全 相 反,也与使徒保罗所传的福音 不 同。

(1)  曾经按手在信徒头上,信徒就有了说方言恩赐的使徒保罗,完全没有【以说方言为先决条件,证明有圣灵在信徒里头】的概念。在保罗所有的书信里,从来没有提过这样的概念,可以证明这概念不是使徒保罗最终的理解。
(2)  使徒保罗认为,每一个信耶稣的信徒都是圣徒,他们的身体就是神的殿,神的灵住在他们里头(哥前316)。所以使徒保罗劝勉“所有哥林多教会的信徒”必须【以我们的“身体和灵”敬拜神】,不要听信世人智慧的言语说人的灵魂得救,与人的身体无关,藉此随意放纵肉体情欲,以至于玷污我们的身体。在整个完整的段落里,使徒保罗完全没有提出【以说方言为先决条件】。但教会却添加己意,以【说方言为先决条件】的理由,扭曲使徒保罗的意思,並拒绝传与使徒保罗同样的福音。
(3)  因为哥林多教会的圣徒,误解“得到说人听不懂的方言恩赐”的【目的和意义】,在集会时大说【人听不懂的方言】,扰乱了集会的次序,因此使徒保罗向他们解释【说人听不懂的方言】的恩赐是什么?真耶稣教会叫信徒追求的说方言,【是没有人翻译,人听不懂的方言】,与使徒保罗解释,【没有人翻译,人听不懂的方言】,根本是相同的灵言。但教会一向以来,误导信徒指保罗在说不一样的东西。教会为什么要扭曲保罗话语的意思,使保罗的解释暗昧不明呢?
(4)  使徒保罗认为【恩赐】是【圣灵】赐的,与使徒行传记载的【24圣灵所赐的口才】不谋而合。赐 “恩赐”的【决定权】在圣灵,而且“无所不能的神”也不会 赐 同样的恩赐给每一个组成教会的肢体。因此,保罗劝勉信徒,不要只追求得到【没有人翻译,说人听不懂的方言的恩赐】,而要追求造就教会【作先知讲道的恩赐】,或【有人翻译的灵言】。如果所说的方言,没有人翻译的话,请在会中住口,回自己房间祷告,造就自己。因此使徒保罗向我们传讲一个重要的信息:『神只有一位,圣灵也只有一位!当“圣灵就是独一真神的灵”住在我们每一个人里头,因“圣灵的装满,感化和赐给”,我们身上才会“彰显出使徒保罗所说的十三种或更多”不同的“属灵恩赐和能力”』。请问,教会为什么不能传与保罗一样的福音呢?
(5)  使徒保罗也提出一个事实,有时候,即使我们用“外邦人的嘴唇”向这百姓说话,他们也不会听从(哥前1421)。但当他们从自己口中说出【人听不懂的方言】时,就很轻易的成为这些不信的人的证据,晓得神是真的,比我们用千言万语去解释更有说服力。彻底了解说人听不懂的方言是一个明证的使徒保罗做出最终的结论:【1422这样看来,说方言,不是为信的人作证据,乃是为不信的人。作先知讲道,不是为不信的人作证据,乃是为信的人】请问,教会为什么传与使徒保罗相反的福音,叫【已经信的人,也必须追求“向不信的人作证据的恩赐】呢?


你真挚的主内弟兄,廖绪龙 John Leow

(1)  二十一世纪的今天,我们非常幸运的能够阅读主耶稣基督一生的事迹和基督遵照神的命令向我们所传讲的真理。因此圣经成为真理一个不可或缺和最重要的依据。所以教会得到的理解,如果【与圣经记载有不一致的误差】,【超越圣经文字应有原本意思的范围】,或【只单凭其中一个句子做出结论,违反了完整章节应有的意思】,应该知道这只能是一个错误的理解,而不是真理,不应该继续错误下去。
(2)  【我们真耶稣教会,有圣灵,有真理,和有神迹奇事为证。无论教会的教义和信条,与圣经记载不一致或相反,依然还是“圣灵启示的真理”】。这种理念如果被引进教会里,这与『使徒时代,有人引进“诺斯替思想”,说既然得救的是“人的灵魂”,与“人的身体”毫无关系,因此可以任意放纵肉体的情欲的理念』有什么不同呢?两个理念的共同点是它使人失去一颗明辨是非的心与撇弃神所默示和交托的吩咐;【后者】使让人无知和乐意的玷污圣洁的身体,【前者】使信徒盲目和乐意的接受“偏离圣经的道理”为真理。
(3)  综观使徒们对【受圣灵和说方言恩赐】的解说和理解,除了在使徒行传,记载使徒们起初,因还有不信和不明白 神 救 恩 的旨意时,需要看到明确的证据之外,以后使徒们的书信,再也没有以【说方言为先决条件,去评断圣灵住在信徒里头】。因此可以证明,这个概念不是使徒们对【受圣灵和说方言】最终的理解,所以教会所传与使徒们所传的福音不同。
(4)  可惜的是,教会高级圣职人员,却著书,引进了“诺斯替般的思想”,指导教会信徒在研究【受圣灵和说方言】时,只可以查考“使徒行传记载使徒们心里还存有不信时的事迹”,不可以查考“使徒书信记载使徒们完全明白后的理解”。这种【断章取义】的理念,必须从真教会里被清除掉。不然,势将出现 “以新的断章取义,试图遮掩前一个断章取义” 一个恶性循环恐怖的局面。
(5)  真耶稣教会叫信徒追求的说方言,【是没有人翻译,人听不懂的方言】,与使徒保罗解释,哥林多教会圣徒得到的【没有人翻译,人听不懂的方言】,根本是相同的灵言和恩赐。但教会一向以来,误导信徒指保罗在谈论不一样的东西,扭曲保罗话语的意思,以至于使保罗的解释暗昧不明,期望“真教会”可以终止这种做法和行为。
(6)  教会在信徒面前,只提【说方言是受圣灵的明证】。但在信徒背后和实际行动上,实行的是【说方言是受圣灵的唯一明证,也就是高级圣职人员只敢在会议里提到的,说方言是受圣灵的前提】。这种含有欺瞒信徒性质的行为和做法,必须被纠正。
(7)      概要的说,“诺斯替思想”最终的目地,就是试图通过各种不同的哲理,利用基督徒的无知,和幼稚的误解,改变神所交托和默示的真理,藉以达到“基督徒乐意接受【偏离神所默示和交托的真理的理解】为真理”的成果。因此这些“理念”一旦被引进教会里来, “似是而非的假真理”将充斥整个教会,神所交托和默示的真理将荡然无存。没有“神真理的地方”,就没有“属于耶稣的真教会”,我们也不会看到“行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑心”,有的大概会是“谎言,假证据,诬陷同灵,和尔虞我诈般的政治家的手段”。真教会本当仿效使徒保罗,努力防止“诺斯替思想”侵蚀教会。曾几何时,教会竟成为制造和护卫“诺斯替思想”的使者呢?期望真教会先能更正自己,续而更正各教派,为主耶稣基督,清除从“诺斯替思想”之下创造出来的歪理,伸直神的道 -- 就是“神命令耶稣所交托下来的真理”。




(A)  In your belief, A person claims to have Holy Spirit, “speaking in tongue” which can be seen and heard is the one and only proof. This means “no tongue speaking -> no Holy Spirit”, right? 在你的信仰里,你是否认为【一个人要断定他里头有圣灵】,【唯一的明证是他会说(可以听得見和看得到的)人听不懂的方言】


(B)  You also believe that in John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God”, right?』你也相信约翰福音3:5 耶稣说,我实实在在的告诉你,人若不是从水和圣灵生的,就不能进神的国


(C)  With the above two belief (question A + question B) adding together.  Does it mean that "Only a person who can Speak in Tongue can enter into the kingdom of God", right? 综合以上,它的意思是【唯独有说方言的人才能进天国】,对吗?


(D)  Does this mean a TJC member who received "Water Baptism", attending all the Sabbath service and participating in all the "Holy Communion", but without the ability of "Speaking in Tongue" till the day of death will go to hell?那么,这是否意味着,真耶稣教会的信徒受过教会的洗礼,参加每个安息日集会,领受所有教会举办的圣餐礼,直到老死,但因为没有说人听不懂的方言,他就不能得救吗?


D1)答案:是的,这种信徒不能得救。【 这答案(一)无形中把这世上最正确的『洗礼,安息日,圣餐礼,。。』等,都抛进阴沟里去了。(二)在这个情形之下,主耶稣基督说的『信我者得永生』,和使徒保罗提倡的『因信称义』,在我们的理论下不再被兑现,为了符合真耶稣教会的教义和信条,必需在这两句话的后面添加多两个字『但是。。。BUT。。。』。】






Petition: Requesting TJC USAGA/IA to remove the statement of faith #5 because it contains great disparity error verses Bible Truth

Through my own Bible research, I had uncovered a great disparity error between [TJC’s final understanding of statement of faith #5 (TSF#5)] and [Bible fact]. Since we believe that Bible contains the Truths inspired and given by God. When such mistake comes into our awareness. Then we should avoid continuingly practicing it. For the sake of TJC’s faith and reputation, I am bringing it to your attention such horrific mistake that I accidentally uncovered. Do your own due diligence. See for yourself whether my case is true or false.

What Acts 2:1-4 meant to tell us?
After recording that “And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them”, Luke proceeded to tell us what happened to the person. And Luke said, “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance”.

Based on the original meanings of the Bible words and the details, Luke described to us the sequence of events that happened: [when the cloven tongues like as of fire sat upon each of them, firstly, “the Holy Spirit entered inside them and filling them up”. Secondly, they began to speak with other tongues only because the Holy Spirit who was in them gave them the gift of utterance. ]

As a summary, Luke meant to tell us that, “filled with the Holy Spirit inside a person” came first, and then “the gift-of-utterance, and the ability to speak in unknown tongues” came second/next.

TJC statement of faith #5 (abbreviated as TSF#5):
Receiving the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues, is the guarantee of our inheritance of the kingdom of heaven.

Most of our church members typically know that the phrase “Receiving the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tonguesonly means to tell the unbelievers, [speaking in tongues] is a simple and clear evidence proving to us that God is true and we have the Spirit of God dwelling inside us

However few members know that, with church’s own authority and thinking, TJC had added the second statement. And this is also the details which TJC would not mention to church members.

(1)“When [there is evidence] of speaking in tongue, then [there is] the Holy Spirit in a person”.
(2)“When [there is no evidence] of speaking in tongue, then [there is no] Holy Spirit in a person”.

The above two statements summed up to our church’s final understanding, that [speaking in tongue is the only evidence of having the indwelling Holy Spirit. And furthermore, “speaking in tongue is the prerequisite condition. If there is the prerequisite condition then there is the indwelling Holy Spirit. If there is no prerequisite then there is none]. In brief, our church’s final understanding is that [speaking in tongue is the precedence of having the indwelling Holy Spirit], which had been officially declared by the former IA chairperson in the meeting but not to all other church members.

As such, [speaking in tongue is the precedence of having the indwelling Holy Spirit] is our church’s final understanding. It means to tell us that “the gift of utterance, and the manifestation of speaking in unknown tongues” came first, and then “filled with the Holy Spirit inside a person” came second/next. Without the first as prerequisite, the second won’t happen.

Certainly, our understanding differs to the message from Acts 2:1-4. Also, it is differed to the Gospel preached by Apostle Paul.

TJC preaches different Gospel in opposite to Apostle Paul’s teaching
(1)Apostle Paul had laid hand upon believers and had seen them speaking in tongues. Nevertheless, Paul had never declared that [speaking in tongue is the prerequisite condition, proving that the Holy Spirit is inside the person] in any of his letters. This fact had proven to us that Apostle Paul did not have such understanding.

(2)Instead, Apostle Paul believed that all believers of Lord Jesus Christ were Saints. Everyone’s bodies were the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelled in them. As such, Apostle Paul advised “all members of Corinthians Church” to worship God with both their bodies and spirits. We should not fall victim to the worldly word-of-wisdom saying that, since only our soul would be saved, then our bodies were nothing and it was alright to indulge our bodies with sexual immorality.  Within the complete context, Apostle Paul had never set the criteria using speaking in tongue as the prerequisite condition. However, TJC injected into the passage its own thinking of [speaking in tongue is the prerequisite condition] as a legitimate reason, twisting the meanings of Paul’s words and at the same time denying to preach the same Gospel as Apostle Paul.

(3)The saints of the Corinthians church misunderstood [the purpose and meaning] of receiving the gift of speaking in unknown tongue. Therefore, they spoke unknown tongue in the middle of a gathering, turning it into a chaos. As such, Apostle Paul explained to them what [the gift of speaking unknown tongue] was? TJC pastoring believers to ask for [the gift of utterance with no translation]. This is the same as what Apostle Paul had tried to explain [the gift of utterance with no translation]. But TJC had misled members to believe that Paul was not talking about the same type of gift. May I ask, why our church twisting and darkening Paul’s explanation? 

(4)Apostle Paul believed that spiritual gift was given by the Holy Spirit, which was similar to Acts 2:4 “as the Spirit gave them utterance”. Holy Spirit had the full authority deciding which gifts to give. Furthermore, our omnipotent God would not give the same gift to all members of the church. Hence, Paul urged believers not to only pursue [the gift of utterance with no translation] but ask for [the gift of prophesying], or [the gift of speaking unknown tongue with translation], which would edifying everyone in the church. As such, Apostle Paul advised believers that if they spoke unknown tongues with no translation. They should shut up in the meeting but praying to God in their private room for self-edifying. In brief, Apostle Paul preached to us an important message, that there is only One God and there is only One Holy Spirit. However, when the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of One-True-God, dwells inside every one’s bodies. As we are filled, influenced and gifted by the Spirit, then only we may see the manifestation of the thirteen or more kinds of spiritual gifts and power, as mentioned by Paul. May I ask, why TJC cannot preach the same Gospel as Apostle Paul?

(5)As a matter of fact, Apostle Paul said that, at time, even if we spoke with other lips to this people; and yet they would not hear us (1 COR 14:21). However, when they personally spoke unknown tongues from their mouth. The speaking in unknown tongues would become evidence for these unbelievers realizing that God is true, more effectively than any of our lengthy-explanation.  Equipped with the thorough understanding of “speaking in unknown tongue is a clear evidence”, Apostle Paul drew his final conclusion that [(COR1 14:22) Therefore, tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but prophesying is not for unbelievers but for those who believe]. May I ask, why our church preaches a different Gospel than Apostle Paul, by asking those who had already believed to pursue the gift of speaking unknown tongue with no translation [which is the evidence for non-believers]?  

My sincere request
For the sake of church’s faith and reputation, and while we may still have the opportunity to resolve the issue. I decided to bring to the church’s attention the disparity error that I accidentally uncovered. May a simple statement of Acts 2:1-4 allowing you to see the fact. Therefore, I am sincerely seeking and requesting our church-organization highest authority, the USAGA/IA, to bravely and honestly taking the necessary action resolving the disparity error.
In Christ, Sincerely Yours, John Leow廖绪龙

P/SThe motivation and reasons for doing so are as follows:
(1)Fortunately in the twenty-first century, we are able to study the life-events of Lord Jesus Christ and all the Truths that God had commanded him to deliver to us. As such, Bible is the fundamental and important reference with respect to the Truths. Therefore any churchs understanding, [if contains disparity-error with Bible-Facts], or [goes beyond the boundary set by the meanings of Bible-Words], or [making a final deduction based on a phrase/sentence ignoring the meaning of the complete-context], can only be an incorrect understanding but not the Truth. We should not continue to practice the wrong.

(2)[We TJC is accompanied with the Holy Spirit, the Truths and Miracles. Therefore, irrespective of whether our churchs doctrines/statement-of-faiths differed to Bible-Truths, to us they were still a Truth inspired by the Spirit of God]. If such a concept is being brought into the church. What different is it as compared to the Gnosticism concept that had been brought into the Apostolic-church? Gnosticism believed that only our soul would be saved but not our body.  Hence, it was alright to indulge our body in sexual-immorality.  The two concepts contain a common consequence, that is, they robbed away a discerning heart and setting aside the Truths inspired and given by God. The later making we ignorantly and willingly defile the holiness of our body. The formal making we blindly and willingly believe those teachings which deviated from the Bible-Facts as Truths.

(3)With a comprehensive view in respective to apostolic understanding and explanation of [receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit, and speaking in tongue]. Except in the Book of Acts, which recorded that, in the beginning, while the apostles were still having unbelieved and failed to perceive the Will-of-God, they would seek clear evidence from God. Since then, in the apostolic letters, none of them claimed that [we needed to have the prerequisite condition of speaking in tongue in order to be certain that we had the Spirit of God dwelling inside us]. All the facts proved that the apostles did not have such understanding and concept. Therefore, our church had been preaching something difference to what the Apostles were preaching.

(4)Unfortunately, our churchs holy worker had written a book and officially setting our churchs direction in studying the relationship between receiving indwelling Holy Spirit and speaking in tongue.  We were told that we should only study the Book of Acts which recorded the incidences where the Apostles were still having unbelieved. However, we should avoid studying the apostolic letters which contained their final understanding about the subject-matter. Such an idea of doing out-of-context-interpretation, should be eliminated from the True Church. Else, a horrific-vicious-circle of using a-new-out-of-context-interpretation trying to cover up the-previous-out-of-context-interpretation, will appear.

(5)TJC directs church members to pursue [the gift of speaking in tongue with no translation]. It is the same as compared to what Apostle Paul had clarified to the members of Corinthians Church that they had been given [the gift of speaking in unknown tongue with no translation]. However, our church had misled church members that Paul was talking about different kind of speaking in tongue. The twisting of Apostle Pauls explanation to the extent of darkening Pauls counseling, has to be stopped in a True Church.

(6)In front of church members, our church will only mention [receiving Holy Spirit as evidence with speaking in unknown tongue]. Behind us, our church will declare and practice [speaking in tongue is the only evidence], or [speaking in tongue is the precedence of having the indwelling Holy Spirit]. Such acts which, directly and indirectly, carries the intention of telling lie should be corrected.

(7)In brief, through various gnostic-philosophies, Gnosticism will exploit Christians ignorance, and naive misunderstanding, so that it can successfully and subtly change the Truths given and inspired by God, achieving the ultimate end-result in which [all Christians willingly accept an understanding, which deviated from the Truths given and inspired by God, as a real Truth]. As such, once such concept has been successfully introduced into the church. It will act like a grain of yeast puffing up the whole-organization. The church would be infiltrated with false-truths which seemingly sound right but actually wrong. In no time, the Truths given and inspired by God will be all gone. When there is no Gods Truth, there is no true church which belongs to Lord Jesus Christ, and, there is no such thing as [to do justly, to love mercy, And to walk humbly]. In place you may find such thing as [lie, false evidence, smearing co-worker and all the ugly political-plots]. By right, a True Church would follow the example set by Apostle Paul striving hard to stop the invasion of Gnosticism. When was the time that our church had become a creator and supporter of Gnosticism instead? Hope that a True Church would correct its own mistakes first, before continuing to correct all other denominations, by purging out all related gnostic-philosophies in order to straighten Gods Truths the Truths that God had commanded Lord Jesus entrusting to us.

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