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2017 年终感言:耶穌是人,不是神

献给基督徒的一篇感言,期望这一篇能更加强你信真神的心! 2017 年终感言: 耶穌是人,不是神 以比较完整的段落,和不超越文字应有的意义范围,查考约翰福音书。在没有断章取义和没有添加文字以外的意思研究出来的结论,完全与教会不同。这一个差异,成为我今年最大的一个感...

Thursday, March 22, 2012






各位也是相信神是自有永有的,换句话说我们也是相信神的灵也同时和神是自有永有的。那么我们又何必自己骗自己说:“人把主耶稣的肉身钉死在十字架上主耶稣的肉身是死了,那自有永有的神的灵也会因此而同时死去吗”?为什么老是以人的观点去理解圣灵的事呢?有 意思吗?为什么老是停留在自己的矛盾之中,而把神的作为以人的意思形容为一件矛盾的事呢?有意思吗?














God is omnipresent. Should omnipresent God descend to the place He is already there?

Omnipresent God

All of us believe that God is omnipresent and God fills all in all. Today, why do we still con ourselves by saying that “The Spirit of God has just descended to the place He has already present”? Emphasizing such contradicting belief as our common belief, is it meaningful? (Psalm 139:7-8; Ephesians 1:23)

God is omnipresent. In other words, the Spirit of God is omnipresent and fills all in all too.  Constrained by our human vision, we cannot see the invisible Spirit of God. But because of faith, we believe that the invisible Spirit of God is filling all in all. At the time the Spirit of God decided to show Himself, limited by our constrained vision, what we could visually see is clearly appeared as if the Spirit of God has just descended. But knowing the fact of our limitation, why should we hold back our understanding within the constraint of our senses? Why should we continue to ignore our common belief that the Spirit of God is omnipresent filling all in all? And still explain that “the Spirit of God has just descended, meaning that before the time, the Spirit of God was not present”? Is it meaningful that the omnipresent Spirit of God has to descend in the place where He has already presented? This kind of thinking is naïve, ignorant, stubborn and self-contradicting. How long are we going to con ourselves with such thinking? Our naked eyes see the Spirit of God. This is the omnipresent Spirit of God manifest Himself to us. It is not that the Spirit of God has descended, get it?

Self existing and ever existing God

All of us also believe that God is self-existing and ever-existing. In other words, we also believe that the Spirit of God is self-existing and ever-existing too. Therefore, why should we continue to con ourselves that “when man put the body of Lord Jesus on the cross and the body of Christ died on the cross, we deduce that the self-existing and ever-existing Spirit of God had died too”? Why we always applied human perspective to spiritual event? Does it make sense? Why should we stagnating in our self-contradicting thought and describe the spiritual event with human perspective and come out with a self-contradiction explanation? Is it meaningful?

If God did not become flesh and be amongst us, if Lord Jesus’ body-flesh did not die and resurrected, then how God’s predestined salvation could be achieved? Lord Jesus body-flesh died on the cross for our redemption of sin. Why should we be as ignorant and foolish as the world in debating that “the self-existing and ever-existing Spirit of God” would die together with the body-flesh of Lord Jesus Christ? Is it meaningful to sustain our self-contradiction?

The Spirit of God sustains all in all. The all in all will become non-existence even if the Spirit of God “disappeared for one second” let alone for three days. If the Spirit of God had really died with Christ you should not have seen any of us arguing aloud in this forum, isn’t it?

Are the above two facts our common belief?

If your answer is yes, then:

1. At all time, we are immersed in the omnipresent Spirit of God, isn’t it?

2. At all time, the self-existing and ever-existing Spirit of God existed before the Pentecost, existed at the Pentecost and also existed after the Pentecost till forever. At the same time, the self-existing and ever-existing Spirit of God fills all in all, isn’t it?

3. At the last judgment day, our spirit will be lifted and receive the judgment. The righteous one will be admitted into the Kingdom of God. The unrighteous one will be casted into hell receiving the punishment in the lake with everlasting flame. It is the place even the worm would not die. (MARK 9:44) How could you declare that the spirit of the unrighteous will die in hell? At the time, we know that God will withdraw His Spirit. You and I will witness the universe in existence will become none.

Please stop defending out of context interpretation

1. Declaring that the Holy Spirit Baptism at the Pentecost was the first time the Holy Spirit had descended which means that the Spirit of Christ was not omnipresent and did not fill all in all. Just base on the above two facts, it is adequate to prove that this is an out of context interpretation.

2. Only carry out the action where Lord Jesus scolded Peter in the book of John chapter 13, but omitted Lord Jesus’ command to follow His example; executing one and omitting the other, is obviously an out of context interpretation problem.

In the beginning Holy Spirit had led our earlier holy worker to establish TJC. Wasn’t it that TJC was supposed to correct all others’ incorrect beliefs? Wasn’t it that it was TJC’s original spirit? However, if we research the truths in the Bible, even if the Holy Spirit tries to move us and reveal to us, but if we insist with our pride and desire, and do not put into consideration the context before and after the passage under study, and stubbornly pick a passage out from a larger passage, and make an out of context conclusion, resulting in that out of the five common doctrines, there are three which were interpreted out of context. What say you? Can TJC correct the wrong beliefs of other churches? Without having the original truth from God, how could TJC defend against Satan’s attack? How could TJC spread the Gospel?

Realize past mistake maybe is a shocking and startling event but it is not a shameful event, unless your pride has overwhelmed you refusing to correct your wrong perception!

Please wake up, my dear church!

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