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2017 年终感言:耶穌是人,不是神

献给基督徒的一篇感言,期望这一篇能更加强你信真神的心! 2017 年终感言: 耶穌是人,不是神 以比较完整的段落,和不超越文字应有的意义范围,查考约翰福音书。在没有断章取义和没有添加文字以外的意思研究出来的结论,完全与教会不同。这一个差异,成为我今年最大的一个感...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

從我们眼睛可以看到有凭有据的【教会所结的坏果】And Translation!













(5)教会以【政治势力】摧毁圣灵感动传道人为了护卫神的名发表的理论,而不是以圣经之道 ---【真理】对证【真理】的方法。陈素华同灵的回应,指出【谢长老】扭曲传道单纯为护卫神的名的理论。姑不论传道的理论的对或错,利用【扭曲言论的方法】,让外人看了,真的为一位德高望重的长老【汗颜】。他们喜欢【玩政治权势】多过【传扬主耶稣的真理】。为了政治前途,他们要信徒遵他们为王,而不是遵耶稣基督为王。


(1)【教会】不是主耶稣基督要建立的【集会 --》 一个遵基督为王的集会】,这就是万恶的根源。從这万恶的根源,发展出我们亲眼看见到的以上所列的一些【坏果】。
(3)所以有人说:【除了教会五大十大之外,另外还有真理 -- 是主耶稣基督传讲的!】传讲这信息的人遭殃了,不是吗?(使徒行传177





[The bad fruits bear by the Church] that we can see

Thanks God that in this forum I am able to see the bad fruits bear by the Church that had been exposed by church members. [Church’s elders] [Openly] [And fearlessly] showed the bad fruits that they had borne in front of all the members’ eyes. These bad fruits had not only blasphemed TJC church’s reputation, it had also blasphemed the name of Lord Jesus Christ. From the bad fruits, the people outside will definitely know that [those people are certainly not Lord Jesus’ disciples], lest they would come to believe in God and believe in Lord Jesus that we preach.

What was the reason God had sent Prophet Nathan to King David?

God sent Prophet Nathan to David. Through a story of how people sinned, Prophet declared that King David had committed similar sin. (2 Samuel 12:1-13) you can comprehend that how righteous and compassionate the God we have believed is. (ISA 30:18; Psalm 145:8) Through this passage, it also tells us a clear message. Irrespective if you are a person or the devil, God will not stop you from [sinning]. Therefore we can see that when the Israelites rejected God as their King, God had let them acted according to their wishes. (2 Samuel 8:5-8)

The consequences of having a worldly King

Nevertheless, God had warned the Israelites the subsequent consequences they would face: The worldly king will [reign over them], [make them his slaves], [take their best field], [collect one ten of their earning], [they would cry out in that day because of the king they had wanted].

Rereading this passage make me realize that how much we have known the God that we have believed? God had given the warning more than three thousand years ago and it had been ignored by us. Isn’t that the difficulties we have faced are from our own fault?

Today, aren’t we have experienced such persecution in our church? How long we are going to endure such suppression? Are we going to hold on to it until we have been buried alive? When the incidence had not come to pass, God had given us the prediction. God had clearly warned every one of us what we are going to face today. Are we not to believe the God we believed? Are we not to take any action to save ourselves? Please do not continue to think that there is still a chance for the church to make-right? It is time to claim back [the assembly that Lord Jesus Christ had called out to us to build on this rock]? An assembly which does not have God as our King is not an assembly that can please God, isn’t it?

The bad fruits bore by church elders

From the fruits bore by the tree, you will know whether the tree is a good tree or bad tree, isn’t it? (MATT 7:18)

Therefore for believers who want to have Lord Jesus Christ as our only King, there is no reason for us to attach to a bad tree, right? Aren’t we not to attach to the [true vine]? (John 15:1) Building an assembly on the rock, isn’t it is equivalent to attaching to the true vine? [The rock that has been rejected by church elders], the preacher who has wanted to preach the truths from Lord Jesus Christ whom the church elders have dismissed, isn’t it the place we should build our assembly upon? What say you?

Many of church members have exposed the bad fruits bore by church elders as follows:

(1)   IA had created false evidence against its own preacher.
(2)   IA had destroyed the evidences when the falsified evidences had being exposed misusing their authoritative positions, without showing any remorse.
(3)   IA had tried to cover up their old lies with new lies, without showing any remorse.
(4)   IA, by itself, had created a list of accusations and convicted its preacher without having a fair trial, showing that they did not have God abiding with them.
(5)   Church rather used their [political power] instead of referring to [Bible truths], to destroy a thesis which a preacher had tried to uncover for defending the reputation of God (in the eyes of worldly people). A church member had responded to elder Hsieh criticism and clearly pointed out the way how elder Hsieh had twisted preacher Yang’s original intention. Irrespective whether we may be able to decide the new thesis is right or wrong, the method used to [twisting the author’s original actual intention] by a highly respected church elder, is a very shameful way of doing thing. Therefore from such action, we can see that the people up there are keener in manipulating with their political power than preaching the truths. To protect their political asset, they would like church members to treat them as their king, instead of making Lord Jesus Christ as their King.

The culprit causing church’s chaotic situation

(1)   [CHURCH] is not [the assembly à an assembly who holds Lord Jesus Christ as King] that Lord Jesus wanted us to build, is the root cause of all the chaos we have observed. From this mother of all evilest root-cause, it has spawned many of the bad fruits we have seen with our own eyes.
(2)   It is easy to see that if an assembly does not hold Lord Jesus as King, the assembly will not uphold God’s truths. (Take heed, what Apostle Paul had mentioned about the body meant to be an assembly of people, or meant to mean an assembly belonged to Lord Jesus. It was not Christ’s physical body as Christ had ascended and it is ridiculous to preach Christ had left his physical body on earth and his head is in heaven.) Therefore we can see that [the five doctrines and ten common beliefs] have replaced God’s truths and being held higher than any one of Lord Jesus’ commandments. We have been taught that [it is the church that saves us] and [it is not Lord Jesus who saves us]. We see that [church uses another out of context interpretation to cover up the previous out of context interpretation]. We see that [church denies Lord Jesus’ words (John 6:56) to cover up the previous out of context interpretation]. You and I have been brainwashed to believe that [whatever we have been told by church preachers are right irrespective whether it is biblical or not] but they avoid emphasize to us that [only Lord Jesus’ commandments are the truths].
(3)   Therefore when we see that there is a person come forward to preach that [besides the five doctrines and ten common beliefs, there is another truth à the truths preached by Lord Jesus Christ], such person would be persecuted, isn’t it? (Acts 17:7)

Lord Jesus is calling

Rise! Let us answer to Lord Jesus’ calling. (MATT 16:18)

The righteous and compassionate God can only give us [WARNING] and can only give us [A CALLING]. Other than that, it is up to us to decide what we will choose for our faith and salvation.

May peace be with you always!

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