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2017 年终感言:耶穌是人,不是神

献给基督徒的一篇感言,期望这一篇能更加强你信真神的心! 2017 年终感言: 耶穌是人,不是神 以比较完整的段落,和不超越文字应有的意义范围,查考约翰福音书。在没有断章取义和没有添加文字以外的意思研究出来的结论,完全与教会不同。这一个差异,成为我今年最大的一个感...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

教会对【圣灵的浸事件】偏向断章取义的理解(一) English Version!









在追求真理的过程中,我发现到一些教会真理的理解竟然在某种情况下行不通了。我们教会的理解如果是真理的原本意思,这理解应该放之四海而皆准。感觉上,不是神的真理出了问题(神是大能的神,神是无所不知的神),很可能只是教会的理解出了问题(人对真理的一个理解)。或许你会认为人有时候不能理解神的命令旨意不是什么大不了的事情,但如果我们從主耶稣所说的一句话的角度去看(约翰福音17:3 认识你独一的真神,并且认识你所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生),不理解神的真理就是不认识神的真理等于是不认识神,不认识神就没有永生,这问题就非常之大了,不是吗?







(3)漠视【文字功能】,没有真正了解【充满】的意义。所以只认识【充满是指装满】的意思而已,解释出来的理解只能达到这文字意义的水平和范围。因此看到的充满,只能描述为好像倒水在瓶子里,当水装满水瓶,水瓶满了水一定溢出来。所以只能看到这样子的圣灵充满,就立下结论说,你看只要你被圣灵装满,当圣灵装满了你流了出来你就自然而然的说起方言来(有水流才有流水声),你没有流水声是因为你还没有被圣灵装满,再求再求。【无所不在】和【无所不能】的圣灵,只能行出有质有量的水的功能而已吗?能充满万有的圣灵竟然进入你里头却不能把你装的满满的?难道【充满的另一个意义, 是指赐给】在你的知识里就这么不经看吗?



A)约翰福音13:19 如今事情还没有成就,我要先告诉你们,叫你们到事情成就的时候,可以信我(是基督)】。13:18 我这话不是指着你们众人说的。我知道我所拣选的是谁。现在要应验经上的话,说,【同我吃饭的人,用脚踢我13:21 耶稣说了这话,心里忧愁,就明说,【我实实在在的告诉你们,你们中间有一个人要卖我了

B)约翰福音14:29 现在事情还没有成就,我豫先告诉你们,叫你们到事情成就的时候,就可以信14:28 你们听见我对你们说了,【我去还要到你们这里来】。你们若爱我,因我到父那里去,就必喜乐,因为父是比我大的。
















在说这段话之前,主耶稣也跟门徒说【保惠师】的事。【保惠师】就是圣灵(约翰1426,),圣灵是神的灵(约翰一书324以弗所430),也是基督的灵(罗马书89, 彼得前书111),也是神儿子的灵(加拉太书46










Church inclines towards out of context interpretation of [the Event of the Holy Spirit Baptism]

In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I write! I write because God has moved me to write and it is not Pr YM who has moved me because Pr YM still believes that somehow one still has to be baptized and speaking in other tongues. In other words, whoever would like to judge and to convict, please go after God! It has nothing to do with me!


It has been through more than two thousand years. Believers of God who would like to understand the true meaning of God’s truths, they have to research exhaustively uncovering the meaning of the origin words where the meaning has evolved over time. They have to understand the different culture, different environmental background and different in language, in order to get to the meaning of the truths.

Fundamentally, truth is defined as [a fact or belief that is accepted as true]. The facts and concepts delivered by God’s truths must be the same or beyond the dictionary definition. Irrespective of whether it was in the past or now, irrespective whether situations may be different, the facts and concepts of the truths are still applicable. Therefore in the understanding of the facts and concepts contained in God’s truths, if our understanding could match with the original meaning of the original words of God’s truth, then such understanding should also be applicable at all time and in all situation too. Therefore a truth is true is not because you have proclaimed that it is true. The truth must be tested with various conditions and situations. If it remains applicable with the vigorous testing, then the truth is true. This is what a truth supposes to mean!

This state or goal is not unachievable or is an illusion, because the Spirit of God is in us. The Holy Spirit will remind us all Lord Jesus’ teachings or commandments. The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truths especially those that Lord Jesus did not disclose to his disciples (John 16:12). Only if we could humbly accept the Holy Spirit’s guidance, in coupling with the wisdom and understanding given by God, such day will come where our wish will come true in one day.

The God we know is [vast] and [deep] and beyond what men can fathom. Therefore, it is a fact that men can only understand those that God has shown to us. Men cannot understand those which God does not want to show to us. In other words, [no one has seen God] and we can only fathom the part of the God where He has shown himself to us.

From the things that God has shown to us, in the Old Testament time, we see that God has created the universe. We have seen the beginning of everything; in the New Testament time, God has revealed to us that everything we see will be demolished at some time in the future. Men will not have the ability to know when the day is. Hence New Testament has intimate relationship with people of this world. The new covenant delivered in the New Testament defines a way for people to be saved, a way of [righteousness through faith]. People will have eternal life because they believe Lord Jesus because believe Jesus means believe God. (John 12:44-45) Because of this reason, in the new covenant, God delivers His commandments clearly and vividly though a simple statement style or a parable style but they are not given in abstract style or apocalyptic style (John 16:25). If you spend effort in studying the words, if you avoid interpreting out of context, if you avoid forcefully interpret God’s words with your own thinking, if you ask God to help uncover the original meaning of His original words, God will give you the understanding in all the commandments He has given to us.

In the process of searching for the truths, I come across some of the church’s understanding (of the truths) which cannot be applied in some circumstances. And it comes to my mind that if church’s interpretation is the same as the original meaning of the truths, then such understanding should not encountered such issue. And I think the problem I encounter is not because God’s truth itself is the problem. (God is Almighty and omniscience) It is most likely that church’s interpretation is the main culprit. You may think that this is not a big deal as every one of us knows that there is always a possibility of a typical human error problem.  However if we refer to a verse given by Lord Jesus (John 17:3-4 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. NKJV), then if we misunderstood God’s truth may mean that we may not know God. If we do not know God, then we do not have the eternal life. This has become a very big deal! Isn’t it?

The followings are the research I have carried out for 6-7 years. If you like, you can treat it as my personal viewpoints. But down in my heart, I have asked God to give me the same understanding as the meaning of the facts and concepts given in His truths.

Reasons our church interpreted [the event of the Holy Spirit Baptism] out of its context

Well, your gut feeling may make you thing that I may be trying to attract your attention, your admiration or your support, through unrealistic exaggeration. I sternly warn you that such gut feeling does not have any basis at all.

At the time I did not know God, God had enabled me to speak with unknown tongues through my own mouth. This had made me realized that God is true and the Spirit of God is true. Because at the moment when my mouth uttering the unknown tongues, I realized that the Spirit of God was in me and therefore the Spirit of God is true. Hence God is also true. This was a promise given by Lord Jesus and therefore Lord Jesus is true too. This is exactly the reason why Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians Saints that “Tongues are signs not for believers but for unbelievers”. This was the reason that Apostle Paul explained to the Corinthians Saints that it was good to ask for the gift to be able to prophesy. But they had misunderstood the ability of speaking with unknown tongues as becoming a prophet prophesying.

Thanks God that I can understand Paul’s explanation. I do not dismiss any gift of speaking with unknown tongues. (It is a gift given by God, how could we dismiss it) But similar to Paul, I will advise people who have not received any spiritual gifts, do not just ask for the gift benefiting own self but ask for the gift that is beneficial to all who gather with you.

The followings are list of reasons of having out of context interpretation:

(1)   We dig a hole of out of context interpretation and jump into it. Elder Hsieh is a respectable elder who has written the book of [The Holy Spirit]. He had boldly concluded in his argument that in order to understanding the cause and effect of the Holy Spirit Baptism, you must only refer to the book of Acts and nothing else. (Note: I only disagree with this one particular conclusion) The other books before and after the book of Acts has nothing to do with receiving the Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues. But don’t we believe that [God is alpha and omega]. If God is self-existing and exists in eternity (Exodus 3:14), and the whole Bible book talks about God, His Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ, to fully understand the event of the Holy Spirit Baptism, how could we limit our research only in the book of Acts? If this is the right thing to do, then the advice given by the expert that we have to research the passages before and after to avoid out of context interpretation is not applicable when studying the Holy Spirit Baptism but we have to abide with this rule when studying other biblical topics. Is this not equivalent to telling the world that God had inspired the author to record the event of the Holy Spirit Baptism not following the grammar and style of the written language? Then was it being written in according to the spiritual language and that whoever does not receive the Holy Spirit in him will not be able to understand the spiritual words? Is it the case?
(2)   The church ignored the fact that [God is omnipresence] in studying the book of Acts chapter 1 and 2. If we believe that God is omnipresence, then we should know there was no reason for the Spirit of God to descend onto the place the Spirit has already presented? Due to this negligence, the appearance of tongues of fire and the sound of violent gushing wind which was clearly a manifestation of the invisible Holy Spirit, had been explained by the church as the Spirit of God had just descended. This mistake had blinded the church and failed to look for the promise of manifestation by Lord Jesus given in the book of John chapter 14. Without referencing with John chapter 14, we could only see how the Baptism had happened but we did not know the reason why it had to happen in such a magnificent way?
(3)   The church ignored the effect of word and did not fully understand the various meaning of the word [filled]. Because the church could only know the meaning of [filled] as filling up something, therefore the perception could only derive up to this level of understanding. Therefore, the church only saw the meaning of [filled] as like filling water into an empty jar. When the jar was full, water would overflow. From such perception the church concluded that if a person could be filled up by the Holy Spirit until overflowing, then automatically the person would have the ability uttering unknown tongues. (When water flow then only you will hear the sound of water flowing) Therefore the person did not produce the sound of flowing was due to the fact that he had not been filled up by the Holy Spirit yet. Then the only solution was to ask to be filled up! Think about it, the Holy Spirit is omnipresence and omniscience. How could the immeasurable Holy Spirit only possess the capability of measurable water? The Spirit of God has easily filled the whole universe and how could the Holy Spirit could not fill you up the minute He is in the person? How could the other meaning of the word [filled] which means giving and supplying, means nothing to you?
(4)   The church had ignored and failed to respect biblical record. The book of Acts had described the complete process of the Holy Spirit Baptism. (In men’s vision) The Holy Spirit had descended, filled the people, and enabled men to speak with unknown tongues. But the church had changed the chronological order by saying that [speaking in tongues is precedence to being filled by the Holy Spirit]. Is it really true that speaking with other tongues had to happen first before the Holy Spirit will fill the person? Then do you need to hear the whole universe has to utter the unknown tongues before you can believe that the Holy Spirit has filled all in all?
(5)   Ironically, even studying the book of Acts had been done out of its context. What was the reason that we only quoted Acts chapter 8 (Samaritan), chapter 10 (Cornelius and the Gentiles), and chapter 19 (John the Baptist baptism, had not heard about the Holy Spirit) showing that the disciples asked for the sign of speaking with unknown tongues but ignored chapter 2 (3 thousand Jews baptized) and chapter 8 (Eunuch baptized) where the disciples did not ask for the sign of speaking with unknown tongues? If Apostle Peter and the rest had the understanding that [believe and baptize and you shall receive the Holy Spirit, means that the person must have the capability of speaking with unknown tongues], then how come there were incidences of asking for the sign of speaking with unknown tongues and incidences of not asking for the sign of speaking with unknown tongues happened with these same group of people? What was the reason for both different incidences to happen? This is a proof that our church’s understanding is different than the understanding of the apostles. This is true as the apostles had never used the capability of speaking in tongues to divide Christ’s limbs but our church does so legitimately.
(6)   Church had redefined the meaning of words. [Receive Holy Spirit] means receive the Holy Spirit and the phrase also meant to mean the Holy Spirit has entered the person. [Speaking in tongues] means uttering unknown tongues and it also means the person has received the spiritual gift of utterance. But church had defined [receive Holy Spirit] to mean [speaking in tongues] and vice versa. But some time it can also mean as it original mean. Won’t it be confusing to the audience? This scheme looks so much like the replacement of [ECCLESIA] with the word [CHURCH].
(7)   Church was avoiding the truth. Church avoids using Bible verses which are opposing to our explanation. To protect church’s interpretations, church will go to the extent of dropping off [the words spoken by Christ in the book of John chapter 6:56]. How could a church who preaches to people to believe Lord Jesus Christ and yet on the other hand also preach to the same people that they could ignore some of Christ’s commandments? Is this kind of act not being described as hypocrite and contradicting? Won’t you think that those words that the church had rejected will become the judge to convict the church of not following and obeying the words of Christ?

Lord Jesus had foretold two important predictions to his disciples

Before the Feast of the Passover and when super being ended, Lord Jesus foretold two important predictions concerning himself to his disciples before the incidences had come to pass:

(A)   John 13: 19 Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He. 18 "I do not speak concerning all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, 'He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.'  21 When Jesus had said these things, He was troubled in spirit, and testified and said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me." NKJV
(B)   John 14: 29 "And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe. 28 You have heard Me say to you, 'I am going away and coming back to you.' If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, 'I am going to the Father,' for My Father is greater than I.  NKJV

The above two passages tell us that the two incidences that Lord Jesus foretold to his disciples would surely happen right in front of the disciples’ eyes. In other words, it means that the disciples would see with their own eyes that [Lord Jesus was being betrayed], [Lord Jesus physically left them] and [Lord Jesus coming back to them].

The predictions’ unique characteristics, the detail content and purpose

The first prediction is [one of you will betray me].
The second prediction is [I am going away and coming back to you].

These are two different predictions; however, they possess common unique characteristic and purpose. That is [they were being foretold before the incidences happened] and the purpose is that [when the incidences come to pass, they may believe].

You may wonder, did the incidences foretold by Lord Jesus really happen right in front of the disciples? Will Lord Jesus fulfill His predictions? When the incidences were being fulfilled, would the disciples believe?

The predictions that happened in front of the disciples

The first prediction of [one of you will betray me], had been fulfilled right in front of the disciples. Judah the Iscariot had betrayed Lord Jesus. The incidence foretold had been fulfilled. But Bible tells us that the disciples did not believe when they witnessed the prediction had happened. Not only that the disciples did not believe, in fact, Bible tells us that the disciples ran away from their Lord.

The prediction of [I am going] had also been fulfilled right in front of the disciples. Lord Jesus died for us on the cross and resurrected three days after. Lord Jesus appeared to his disciples for forty days and then ascended to heaven right in front of the disciples. Half of the second prediction had been fulfilled. Bible tells us that the disciples did not come to believe Christ even when they saw the incidence happened with their own eyes.

The second half of the second prediction of [I am coming back to you], had this incidence happened right in front of the disciples too? Would the disciples believe Lord Jesus if they had seen with their own eyes that the prediction had happened? This is the secret that we need to explore.

Before seeing the answer, let us do some brainstorming

We know that the purpose Lord Jesus foretold the two predictions before they come to pass is that when they come to pass the disciples may believe him. Therefore will you think that Lord Jesus would only fulfill one and a half of the two predictions? Will you think that Lord Jesus will break his promise or give up on his plan before all predictions were fulfilled?

From human perspective, we know that if a person is very deterministic and trustworthy, after he has made a promise, he would not give up before he fulfills all his promises. Let alone is our Almighty God, how could God fail to deliver His promises?

The second half of the second prediction that Lord Jesus had talked about

The details of the prediction of [I am coming back to you] had been clearly recorded in the book of John chapter 14:15-22.

Lord Jesus said that, those who love him and obeyed his commandments, he would not leave them as orphans. English translation used the word [leave] but in Chinese version it used [cast away]. So literally Lord Jesus meant what he said, he would not leave them. Then how could the disciples know that Lord Jesus had never left them at all when they saw with their own eyes that Lord Jesus had physically left them? [Verse John 14:20 At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you]. Well, if at that day the incidence which happened in front of the disciples was not visible and audible, how could the disciples with little faith know that the incidence had happened and [Jesus was in the Father, they were in Jesus and Jesus was in them]? Bible tells us that Lord Jesus had always known his disciples were of little faith, isn’t it? Therefore this was the reason Lord Jesus had disclosed to his disciples in verse 14:21 that he was going to [manifest] himself to the disciples. Please take note that Lord Jesus had declared that he was going to [manifest] and not [descend].

Even though Lord Jesus did not directly explain in what form that he was going to manifest himself, but realistically, Lord Jesus had provided all the information in John 14:15-22 except that we are not careful enough and miss the details.

Before Lord Jesus talked about his coming back, Lord Jesus told his disciples about the Counselor or the Helper. We know that the Counselor is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). We know that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God (1 John 3:24, Ephesians 4:30). We know that the Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of Christ (Roman 8:9, 1 Peter 1:11). We know that the Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of the Son (Galatians 4:6)

With the above information we can better understand verse 14:17. (John 14:17-18 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you). [How could the disciples see the Counselor] who had yet to come? [How could the disciples know who the Counselor was] who had yet to come? [How could the Counselor who had yet to come was with the disciples]?

Therefore you can see that when Lord Jesus was talking about the Counselor, Lord Jesus was talking about himself. Because the Counselor is the Holy Spirit and is also the Spirit of Christ, isn’t it? Hence, Lord Jesus had hinted his disciples that their master would come back and manifest to them in the form of the Holy Spirit!

This is the reason I am able to see that [during the incidence of the Holy Spirit Baptism at the Pentecost], the invisible [Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of God, or the Spirit of Christ] manifested so that the disciples could see with their own eyes. The omnipresent God and the God who fills all in all (Jeremiah 23:24, Ephesians 1:23, Psalm 139:7-12, Proverb 15:3) has no reason to descend to the place He has already presented. Therefore manifestation of the tongues of fire and sound of wind was sign proving to the disciples who had unbelief that Lord Jesus had never left them. And the manifestation was not proving that the Spirit of God was [descending] onto a place it already existed.

I have a hope

Elder Hsieh possesses abundant spiritual and Bible knowledge and he has very strong logical sense. He is well recognized by church members (including myself). Comparatively my Bible knowledge is nothing as compare with his. But when I read his book [The Holy Spirit], I am able to see that even though he has refuted other scholars’ viewpoints logically and biblically, however at the critical juncture he has proposed to his reader that it is nothing wrong to use out of context interpretation. This is absolutely beyond me and his abilities exhibited throughout his works have become a source of confusion. Could he try to utilize the abundant biblical knowledge and his logical argument as a smoke screen, covering up his motive in leading other towards out of context interpretation?

But for some unknown reason, I have the hope that if he could see the above presentation, he would be able to easily realized that Lord Jesus’ prediction would surely being fulfilled in front of the disciples so that they might believe Christ. I believe he would be able to see the same fact as me that the prediction had been fulfilled at the Pentecost.

If I try to submit my research to TRC, like all of you have mentioned in this forum, the article will fall onto the revolving door. It may not even have a slightest chance to be seen by elder Hsieh and be buried somewhere in the circular-revolution.

If any of the reader who knows elder Hsieh or who know his ideas-box, please do a favor to the church, to the millions of souls and show it to elder Hsieh. Any reprimand shall be borne by me. However, if God has really opened my eyes to see His truths, elder Hsieh may regret if he does not have the chance to read it. At least he may regret that he does not fully make use of his position and reputation established by God in this church to untie the knot created by out of context interpretation which has been lasted over nearly a hundred years.

This is also the reason that I have composed my finding into a book (sorry only in English). Whether you want to buy the book and read it, such decision is absolutely in your hand. I can only say that if the message is true and you can know more about Lord Jesus and God by reading it, paying the money less than the tip you toss to the waiter/waitress over your dinner table is your decision to make!

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