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2017 年终感言:耶穌是人,不是神

献给基督徒的一篇感言,期望这一篇能更加强你信真神的心! 2017 年终感言: 耶穌是人,不是神 以比较完整的段落,和不超越文字应有的意义范围,查考约翰福音书。在没有断章取义和没有添加文字以外的意思研究出来的结论,完全与教会不同。这一个差异,成为我今年最大的一个感...

Monday, September 3, 2012

事到如今,还是会有人在问,教会面对的问题,到底是什么?Added, A reply for irisfranz: the root-cause!




教会以【政治势力】摧毁圣灵感动传道人为了护卫神的名发表的理论,而不是以圣经之道 ---【真 理】对证【真理】的方法。陈素华同灵的回应,指出【谢长老】扭曲传道单纯为护卫神的名的理论。姑不论传道的理论的对或错,利用【扭曲言论的方法】,让外人 看了,真的为一位德高望重的长老【汗颜】。他们喜欢【玩政治权势】多过【传扬主耶稣的真理】。为了政治前途,他们要信徒遵他们为王,而不是遵耶稣基督为 王。
我们集合在一起,成为一个团体或组织(英文形容为we form a body which means an organization but not a physical body。组成一个身体,意思是团体而不是实质的身体。)。这团体是属于耶稣的,也可以被称为,主的团体(英文说成,body of Christor Christ’s body。主的身体)。这里“身体”是比喻文,不是好像教会有一些人把它幻想成真的主耶稣实质的身体。我们只是主耶稣的肢体,肢体再多,如何可以变成主耶稣,取代了主耶稣实质的身体呢?神可以被人取代吗?








制死想要犯罪的私欲!Kill the desire to sin!  http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/09/kill-desire-to-sin.html

浅谈撒旦自存论里提到的一些概念  http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/08/blog-post_28.html

從我们眼睛可以看到有凭有据的【教会所结的坏果】And Translation! http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/04/and-translation.html

洗脚有感:明白为何主要洗门徒的脚 http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post.html

从神而来的自由 http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/09/blog-post.html

属灵战争的第三战:以色列人厌弃神为他们的王 http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/08/blog-post.html

圣灵的洗事件发生的目的:约翰福音14章一个隐藏了两千多年的秘密 http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2011/07/1.html

A reply for irisfranz: the root-cause!

On September 5th, 2012 desert-rose says:

Dear irisfranz, 

The only objective for our organization is to bear witness for Christ. We are to teach others to follow the same commands Jesus asked us to obey. Therefore literally, sin is defined in the Oxford dictionary as “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law”.

You have seen the fruits bore by Deacon W and IA. I am pretty sure if you analyze one more step further, you will be able to see the root-cause that lead to such fruition. (MATT 7:15-20) So look at the fruits and you may be able to see the concepts shining out from them.

What does it mean with the fruits bore by the Deacon?

1. Jesus said no one know when the end-time will be (MATT 24).  Deacon W. had tried to deceive the congregation and sinned against Jesus’ command.

2. Jesus said I am the Father (John 14:7, 9). Deacon denied Jesus is the Father and the given name. He had sinned against Jesus’ command.

3. God told Cain to rule over sin - a desire in his heart to act against God’s command to do GOOD but shunt EVIL (Gen 4:6-7). Deacon failed to recognize his desire as his enemy. He scapegoat Islam as the enemy and disobey God’s command.

What could be the reason the church and IA did not deal with such person who sinned against God’s commandments? A sister’s testimony told us that they care more for money than justice of God. They could be encouraging congregation to sin against God’s commandments instead of obeying them.

What fruits that the church and IA had bore?

If you are bold enough to scrutinize them critically, you would be startle by observing such close similarity of the root-cause.

1. In the process of kicking YM out of their organization, IA generated false evidences against YM through GOMA incidence. YM submitted proof against the accusation and IA quietly destroyed them. Therefore IA had sinned against God’s commandments.
IA defamed YM’s reputation by spreading rumors that YM was not honest, and that the Spirit of God dwelling in him was questionable. This had also sinned against God’s commandments.

2. IA denied responsibility that IA had assigned YM/Elder Hsieh to research the origin of evil spirit and devil. They continued to defame YM even after YM ceased talking about his thesis when it was rejected by TRC. This was sinning against God’s commandments.

3. IA twisted YM’s suggestion “Truths are entrusted once, and gradually being revealed”. This phrase meant to mean our initial comprehension of the truths might be wrong. However the Spirit of God may reveal to us the actual meaning of His words at later time. Therefore we should not destroy such revelation without carefully studying it. The truth remained unchanged but man’s comprehension change. But IA twisted it to mean YM was suggesting that God’s Truths changed in time. This was sinning against God’s work.

4. 1 COR 3:16 and John 6:56 contain similar message. The Spirit of God dwells in us. Lord Jesus lives inside us. The Spirit of our Almighty God filled all-in-all. How could the Spirit of God dwelling inside us cannot filled our little body-size? Could the Spirit of God not filled us with different gifts but it must only be the gift of speaking with other tongues? Again, this action denied God’s self-decision capability, destroyed God’s revelation and movement.

5. The audible sound-like-the-blowing-of-violent-wind and the visible tongue-of-fire were clear evidences. They had clearly proven to the disciples that Jesus was with them and had never left them as orphans. When each of the disciples was enabled to speaking with other tongues from each own-mouth, it was another clear-evidence proving to the disciples that not only Lord Jesus was with them but Lord Jesus was inside them. Our church does not realize that the old-comprehension could be wrong. Instead our church is using the gift from God to divide the limbs of Christ into two categories: [one pleases by God] and [the other not pleases by God]. They refuse to open their eyes and ears to the new revelation. They had acted against God.
6. Apostle Paul started his explanation telling us that we are just individual members of Christ or the branches of the vine. The branches belong to Christ and therefore we are Christ’s branches/members. Paul continued to extrapolate which meant to tell us that all the members gathered together forming an organization. Figuratively, such an organization can also be described as a body. Since this organization belongs to Christ, it can be described as Christ’s organization or Christ’s body. But Paul did not mean to tell us that the members have now become the physical-body of Christ. How can we as believers when gather in great number becoming the physical-body of Christ which logically and totally does not make any sense at all! The church had deceived its congregation. It has sinned against Lord Jesus command to bear witness for him.

7. Concerning Foot-Washing ceremony:  our church does not follow the example set by Lord Jesus. Instead, we have turned scathing critique of Christ against Apostle Peter who had tried to stop Jesus from carrying out his work into a must-have ceremony. We ignore the calling of Christ to those disciples whom Christ sent to spread the Gospel. Christ commanded the disciples whom he had sent to wash one another’s feet because none of them was greater than any other. And none of them was greater than their master who sent them. Did you see that Liang washed Yang’s feet? Did you see that Yang washed Ker’s feet? Did you see that Ker washed Che’s feet? Did you see those being sent wash one another’s feet? The church failed to follow the example and it is not being blessed by God.

The root-cause
Our so-called true church does not uphold Jesus’ commandments. In the opposite, the church tries to suppress those who see the truths and who have wanted to preach the truths. Therefore the true church you have seen is no more the pillar of truths. Can you ignorantly think you are still in a true church?

You should have understood the reason why they did not deal with Deacon W. because they are in the same gang preaching and acting against Jesus’ commandments.

If you are bold enough to think critically, you will see the true-state of our church. Will you then not join-force to claim back the lost church of Christ? Therefore the advice of [not to lose the peace in my heart] should really mean that when you stand up for the truth from Christ, even though you may be persecuted like YM has, remember the peace from God is always be with you. Lord Jesus has never left us behind as orphans. Have faith that Lord Jesus is always living with us and living in us, even though we cannot see him with our naked eyes.

May God bless you abundantly!

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